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للطلاب الراغبين في التحويل إلى الجامعة الوطنية – السودان ا

إعلان مهم للطلاب الراغبين في التحويل إلى الجامعة الوطنية – السودان السنة الدراسية الثالثة بكل الكليات
شروط التحويل من جامعة / كلية الى

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المعامل الجديدة بكلية طب وجراحة الأسنان

اكتملت الترتيبات والتجهيزات في العيادات والمعامل الجديدة بكلية طب وجراحة الأسنان في مباني الجامعة بمدينة. بورتسودان، حيث ستوفر هذه المرافق فرص تدريبية لجميع

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سواعد وطنية

رغم التحديات الجسيمة التي تواجه البلاد، ظل طلاب الجامعة الوطنية متمسكين بروحهم الإنسانية ونشاطهم الخيري من خلال جمعيتهم "سواعد وطنية". لقد قدموا للمجتمع خدمات

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نعي البروفيسور عمر زايد

ينعي السيد رئيس الجامعة الوطنية ونائبه وعمداء الكليات المغفور له باذن الله تعالى البروفيسور عمر زايد الذي وافته المنية في مستشفى مديرني بمدينة انجمينا العاصم

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كلية الهندسة المدنية والهندسة الكهربائية

كلية الهندسة المدنية والهندسة الكهربائية
يبدأ برنامج التدريب العملي لطلاب الهندسة المدنية والهندسة الكهربائية في كلية الهندسة يوم 15 سبتمبر، ويستمر حتى 30 س

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استمرار الدراسة النظرية

تستمر الدراسة النظرية في كل من القاهرة بأكاديمية الأميرة فاطمة، وفي بورتسودان بموقع الجامعة، لتشمل جميع التخصصات، بما في ذلك الهندسة المعمارية، الهندسة المد

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كلية الطب والجراحة

أعلنت كلية الطب والجراحة في الجامعة الوطنية عن تخريج طلاب وطالبات الدفعة 15، بعد إتمامهم للدراسات السريرية والنظرية وفقاً للمنهج الدراسي الخاص بالكلية، وتحت

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السكن الداخلي للطالبات


كلية التمريض

تم تدريب الدفعتين الثانية عشرة والثالثة عشرة من كلية التمريض في القاهرة بالتعاون مع المركز الطبي العالمي، وذلك في إطار حرص الكلية على ضمان تطبيق أعلى معايير ا

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كلية طب وجراحة الأسنان

كلية طب وجراحة الأسنان تحتفل بتخريج دفعة جديدة من الأطباء والطبيبات
ودعت كلية طب وجراحة الأسنان دفعة جديدة من أطباء وطبيبات الأسنان، بعد أن أنهوا دراستهم

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كلية الصيدلة

أعلنت كلية الصيدلة عن تخريج الدفعة 15 من طلابها، بعد استكمالهم بنجاح برامجهم الأكاديمية والتدريبية. وقد أعرب الخريجون عن فخرهم بإنجازهم الأكاديمي.

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كلية المختبرات

رغم التحديات الكبيرة التي فرضتها الحرب على السودان، تواصل الجامعة الوطنية في مسيرتها الأكاديمية بإصرار لا يلين وعزيمة لا تعرف المستحيل. تمضي قُدمًا في تقديم

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علوم الحاسوب وتقانة المعلومات

كلية علوم الحاسوب تختتم كورسات الحاسوب وتكرم الطلاب المتميزين بالتعاون مع مركز إكسبرت كودر
أقيمت مراسم ختام كورسات معامل الحاسوب لطلاب السنوات الثانية وال

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تفوق أكاديمي وتجسيد مبدع للمعرفة

كلية الأشعة
تفوق أكاديمي وتجسيد مبدع للمعرفة
مقرر قراءة الصورة الإشعاعية
طلاب الدفعة 14
كشهادة حية على تفانيهم وإصرارهم على التفوق الأكاديمي، قدم ط

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نتائج خريجي الدفعة السادسة

كلية العلاقات الدولية تفتتح الفصل الدراسي الثاني وتعلن نتائج خريجي الدفعة السادسة
أعلنت كلية العلاقات الدولية عن انطلاق الدراسة للفصل الدراسي الثاني من ا

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حلول مبتكرة لسكن الطلاب

الجامعة الوطنية تستعد لانطلاقة سبتمبر: تطوير منشآت بورتسودان وحلول مبتكرة لسكن الطلاب
قامت عمادة شؤون الطلاب، بالتنسيق مع الإدارة العليا للجامعة الوطنية

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كلية العلوم الإدارية الاجتماع التنويري السنوي لطلاب السنة ا

تناول الاجتماع التنويري السنوي الخاص بطلاب السنة الأولى للدفعة 16 بكلية العلوم الإدارية خمس محاور أساسية تعرف عليها
عقدت كلية العلوم الإدارية الاجتماع الت

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تُخرّج دفعة التمريض 12

الجامعة الوطنية تُخرّج دفعة التمريض 12 متحديةً جميع الصعاب
احتفلت كلية علوم التمريض والقبالة بالجامعة الوطنية في السودان بتخريج الدفعة الثانية عشرة من طلاب

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الامتحان النهائي لطلاب قسم الهندسه المدنية

أدى طلاب قسم الهندسة المدنية في الجامعة الوطنية امتحانهم النهائي، الذي يمثل الخطوة الأخيرة في مسيرتهم الأكاديمية. هذا الامتحان يختتم مسيرتهم الدراسية، حيث يم

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فترة التدريب لطلاب السنة الرابعة

أعلنت كلية الطب بمستشفى الحسين الجامعي بالقاهرة عن انتهاء فترة التدريب لطلاب السنة الرابعة، التي كانت قد بدأت في وقت سابق. وقد شهدت الفترة التدريبية إقبالاً ك

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التدقيق الداخلي الأول للعام الأكاديمي 2024/25

بدء التدقيق الداخلي الأول للعام الأكاديمي 2024/25 في الجامعة الوطنية – السودان
في إطار تنفيذ خطة تأكيد الجودة السنوية، بدأت الجامعة الوطنية في السودان التدقي

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امتحانات كلية الطب البشري

اختتمت الامتحانات للفصول الدراسية المختلفة في كلية الطب البشري، حيث تم الانتهاء من امتحانات سمستر 8 لدفعة 16، وسمستر 10، وهو السمستر الأخير للسنة الخامسة لدفعة 1

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اختتام تدريب السمستر الخامس وتسليم شهادات التخرج

اختتام تدريب السمستر الخامس وتسليم شهادات التخرج
يُعلن المركز الطبي العالمي قسم العلاج الطبيعي وإعادة التأهيل عن انتهاء برنامج التدر

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إعلان مهم لخريجي البكلاريوس بالجامعة الوطنية بخصوص إستخراج

إعلان مهم لخريجي البكلاريوس بالجامعة الوطنية
بخصوص إستخراج الشهادات الجامعية (بورتسودان – القاهرة) اجراءات الاستخراج من بورتسودان / ا

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بيان رقم ٥/ ٢٠٢٤ تمديد مواعيد القبول للسنة الأولى

بيان رقم ٥/ ٢٠٢٤
تمديد مواعيد القبول للسنة الأولى
عن رسول الله (ص): إن قامت الساعة وبيد أحدكم فسيلة، فإن استطاع أن لا يقوم حتى يغرسها فلي

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بيان من رئيس الجامعة رقم ٢٠٢٤/٢ لطلاب البكلاريوس بالجامعة ال

بيان رقم ٢/ ٢٤
ابنائي وبناتي الطلاب والطالبات السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
الموضوع: استبانة خيارات اماكن التدريب

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الرسوم الدارسية للفرق


بيان رقم ١/ ٢٠٢٤ من رئيس الجامعة لطلاب البكلاريوس بجميع الكل

بيان رقم ١ /٢٠٢٤ لطلاب وطالبات الجامعة الوطنية
ابنائي وبناتي طالبات وطلاب الجامعة الوطنية
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

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اعلان مهم لخريجي الدراسات العليا بالجامعة الوطنية

اعلان مهم لخريجي الدراسات العليا بالجامعة الوطنية
سيبدأ استخراج الشهادات فوق الجامعية للمعنيين اعلاه يوم الأحد الموافق ١٧ ديسمبر ٢٠٢٣

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اعلان مهم

اعلان مهم لخريجي الجامعة الوطنية / الطلاب المستقيلين
سيتم استئناف استخراج الشهادات الجامعية بعد وصول ورق العملة الخاص بالشهادات وذلك بارسال بيانات الخريج /

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NUSU President Statement to Academic Staff

الى اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية بالجامعة الوطنية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته، واسال الله لكم دوام العافية وتمامها، والسلامة من كل شر في هذه الظروف الع

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اعلان مهم

اعلان مهم

للخريجين والطلاب المستقيلين من الجامعة
سيتوقف اصدار الشهادات الجامعية (ماعدا الشهادة الكرتونية) للمعنيين أعلاه الى حين اشعار اخر بسبب نفا

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بيان من رئيس الجامعة (٢ اغسطس ٢٠٢٣م)

البيان السادس
ابنائي وبناتي الطالبات والطلاب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
كل صباح وانتم بخير، وحفظكم المولى وستركم واهليكم جميعا. اكرر رجائي

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بيان من رئيس الجامعة (٢٠٢٣/٧/٢٩م)

ابنائي وبناتي الطالبات والطلاب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
كل صباح وانتم بخير، وحفظكم المولى وستركم واهليكم جميعا. رجائي آن تقرأوا هذا البي

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بيان توضيحي - رئيس الجامعة

بيان توضيحي بتاريخ ٨/ ٧ لبعض نقاط البيان الرابع يوم ٧/ ٧/ ٢٠٢٣م
الى طلاب وطالبات الجامعة الوطنية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته. على الرغم من التحذي

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بيان من رئيس الجامعة

ابنائي الطلاب وبناتي الطالبات
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
انعقد اجتماع الادارة العليا -الاجتماع الرابع لادارة المخاطر للجامعة الوطنية في يوم

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بيان من رئيس الجامعة

ابنائي وبناتي الطالبات والطلاب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته
كل عام وانتم بخير، وحفظكم المولى وستركم واهليكم جميع
انعقد اليوم الثلاثاء التا

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بيان مهم

ابنائي وبناتي الطلاب والطالبات
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته، ونساله سبحانه تمام العافية والسلامة ودوامها
مقدمة: ما زلنا ننتظر اللحظة الحاسمة ل

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بيان من أمانة الشؤون العلمية

بيان من أمانة الشؤون العلمية
أعزائي طلاب وطالبات الجامعة الوطنية- السودان
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
بالرغم من المعوقات والتحديات وبحمد ا

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رئيس الجامعة

ابنائي وبناتي الطالبات والطلاب المتخرجين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اهنئكم واهنئ اسركم باعتماد المجلس العلمي لنتائجكم كخريجين للعام ٢٠٢٢-٢٠٢٣ وا

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Taining workshop for child health coordinators in the states on the Health Information System (DHIS)

The National University - Sudan will host the training workshop for child health coordinators in the states on the Health Information System (DHIS) of the Federal Ministry of Health - General Administration of Basic Health Care - Child Health Administration, National Child Health Program in cooperat

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The General Assembly

The General Assembly of the National Company for Advanced Educational Systems (NCAES), the owner of NUSU, will be held on Monday March 20, 2023 (11:00 AM), in the Conference Hall GF8 University Building. The representative of the Khartoum Stock Market and the Sudan Registrar of Companies will be wit

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Board of Trustees (BOT) Approval of Establishing Research Institutes

Board of Trustees (BOT) Approval of Establishing Research Institutes

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National University Carnival

The Fourteenth Graduation Carnival and Distribution of Scientific Degrees - National University (2022-2023 )

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Comment of the Ambassador of Norway on his Visit to the University

Visit went well. Glad you put me in touch. I was quite impressed with how they have built a strong institution in very little time. Noted their strong emphasis on teaching and research quality. We had an interesting discussion on gender balance and how to meet environmental challenges. Your friend Q

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Gaduation Project Discussions for Fourth Year

Part of the graduation project discussions for fourth year nursing students (Final Year) in the presence of the committee, which included: The Dean of the Faculty Dr. Sumaya Ibrahim, the external examiner, Dr. Fawzi Ghazi, the lecturer at Al-Neelain University, and a group of faculty members, Dr. N

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Mr. Endre Stiansen, the Ambassador of the State of Norway

The President and Vice President of the University, in the presence of the Principal, the Secretary for Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research, and the Dean of Student Affairs, received Mr. Endre Stiansen, the Ambassador of the State of Norway, as part

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University Putra Malaysia

A meeting on Friday, the third of December. The meeting included Dr. Thuraya Othman from the National University. It was agreed to renew the memorandum of understanding between the two universities (University Putra Malaysia), and the two parties agreed to open ways of cooperation between the two in

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Discussion of the Practical Exam for Obstetrics and Gynecology

Part of the discussion of the practical exam for Obstetrics and Gynecology for fourth year nursing students, in the presence of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Soraya and Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Wamda with honoring the external examiner Dr. Sayda Dea

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Alraqi University Hospital

Professor Qurashi Mohamed Ali, President of the University and Dr. Mohamed Abdel-Qader Mahdi, Vice President of the University and Director of Al-Raqi University Hospital, Dr. Abdullah Abdul Karim and Professor Othman Hammour, Head of the Surgery Department at the hospital, and Dr. Salah Baloul,

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National University Faculties League for the year 2022-2023

Under the auspices of the administration of the National University and the supervision of sports activities under the leadership of Dr. Ahmed Khamis, the students blew the whistle at the beginning of the faculties league with the meeting of the engineering and laboratory teams, and the match ended

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A training Course on Personal Strategic Planning

On Thursday 5/1/2023, a training course on personal strategic planning was concluded, in which 40 students from the National University participated. It was organized by the Business Development Training Center under the supervision of the Deanship of Student Affairs.

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National University Faculties Football League

Starting on Saturday 7/1/2023.
Location: The National University Stadium in Al-Raqi District, directly in front of the university gate.
The time: 3 PM.

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International Diplomatic Day

The President of the University, Professor Qurashi Mohamed Ali, honored the celebration held by the Faculty of International Relations and Diplomatic Studies at the University on Monday, October 24, 2022, on the International Diplomatic Day, which included: Academic, Cultural and Recreational progra

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Basic Excel 2013 Workshop

The University's Center for Professional Development organized the Basic Excel 2013 Workshop and how to use of the program's features and applications, where it was taught by Dr. Mohamed Al-Mubarak and Dr. Yasser Abubakr, from the faculties of computer sciences and administrative sciences, for 32 fa

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Vaccination Campaign for Students

The Deanship of Student Affairs organized the 4th hepatitis vaccination campaign for students on Wednesday and Thursday 1 and 2 November 2022

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Exhibitions and Projects

On Saturday, October 22, 2022, the President, Vice President of the University, Deans of Faculties and Deanship of Students Affairs visited the exhibitions and projects of the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (Architecture Department), which included innovative and modern desi

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Detection of Breast Cancer

On the occasion of the pink month of October, which the world celebrates annually to raise awareness of the importance of early detection of breast cancer, the Scientific Society for Students of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery held a healthy day at Al-Firdaos South Health Center on Wednesday 19/

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Breast Cancer

Under the supervision of the administration of the Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences and the Deanship of Student Affairs, the Student Association of the Medical Laboratory Sciences held an awareness day for breast cancer in cooperation with the Tamni Organization, on Thursday, October 20, 2022

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Oral Exam

The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Faculty of Clinical and Industrial Pharmacy held the oral exam for Pharmaceutical Analysis 2 at the University Examination Center on Thursday, October 20, 2022

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Workshop on Supply Chain Management

On Wednesday, October 19, 2022, the Scientific Society for Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, in cooperation with the Punch Mark Training (Center accredited by the Institute of Supply Chain Management) in Britain, held an introductory workshop on supply chain management in the prese

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On Tuesday 11th of October 2022, NUSU/CPD organized a symposium entitled Publication and challenges facing it Presented by Prof . Awad Haj Ali, Professor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences. The symposium shed a light on structure of the scientific paper, challenges facing publication such a

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World Federation for Medical Education (WFME)

Today, Monday 3/10/2022, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, the faculty members and the staff of the Faculty received the assessors team from the Sudanese Medical Council within the process of accrediting the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University in accordance with the stan

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International Cooperation Agreement in Education with Anadolu University (Turkey)

On Thursday 30/9/2022, the President of the University, Professor Qurashi Mohamad Ali, signed an International Cooperation Agreement in Education with Anadolu University (Turkey) that includes research exchange, scholarships and student exchange

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International Open and Distance Learning Conference

The President of the University, Professor Qurashi Mohamad Ali, headed the delegation of the National University to Anadolu University - Turkey - Istanbul, on the evening of Sunday, September 26, 2022 to participate in a conference: International Open and Distance Learning Conference The delegat

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National University Sudan is the FIRST University in Sudan

National University Sudan is the FIRST University in Sudan to join WASD Sustainable Development Goals Universities Initiative (SDGsUNi)

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Memorandum of Understanding

Professor / Qurashi Mohamad Ali, President of the National University, signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Science and Technology - Adan (15/9/2022) with the acting president of the university, for the purpose of cooperation in the areas of joint teaching, student exchange, q

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University President

The President of the University, Prof. Qurashi Mohamad Ali, received in his office Prof. Abdel Ghani Hamid, Acting President of the University of Science and Technology- Adan and accompanied by Director of Quality Management on Monday 12/9/2022 in the presence of the Vice President of the National

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Memorandum of Understanding

The President of the University – Prof. Qurashi M Ali signed a memorandum of understanding with the Dr. Lutz Mukke: Director Partner Africa of Lecturio GmbH (Germany) (August 28th 2022), which is specialized in e-learning, to benefit from its educational platform in theoretical and practical activ

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Dissertation/thesis Supervisors Skills Workshop

Faculty of Clinical and Industrial Pharmacy Dissertation/thesis Supervisors Skills Workshop Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 August 2022, the Faculty of Pharmacy in collaboration with CPD and Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, organized a workshop on Dissertation/thesis Supervisors Skills so that the st

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The Scientific Council

On Thursday, 21/07/2022, in the Hall of the Professional Development Center (CPD), the Scientific Council was held to approve the results of second year of all faculties except the faculty of Medicine and Surgery and faculty of Dental Medicine and Surgery for the academic year 2021-2022. Postgraduat

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Accreditation of the programs and graduates of the faculty of Engineering and Architecture - NUSU Today the approval and accreditation of the three Bachelor programs of the faculty of Engineering and Architecture takes place. Accordingly the graduates of the years 2021 and 2022 will be registered i

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BAC Requirement for Academic Process Workshop

On 28 May 2022 Faculty of Clinical and Industrial Pharmacy has attended a session of quality requirements so that the staff will be acquainted with the university forms which is required by BAC. Beside seizing the opportunity to enable the new staff to be knowlegable of the forms which facilitate

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BAC Requirement for Academic Process Workshop

On 24 May 2022 Faculty of Dental Medicine and Surgery has attended a session of quality requirements so that the staff will be acquainted with the university forms which is required by BAC. Beside seizing the opportunity to enable the new staff to be knowlegable of the forms which facilitate wo

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Blueprinting Workshop

Monday 23 May 2022, the CPD organized a workshop of blueprinting so that the staff will be acquainted with blueprint components and steps. Beside seizing the opportunity to enable the staff of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy to be knowlegable of the blueprint construction. The instructors of the

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Vice President Meetings With Faculties

Sunday 22 May 2022, NUSU vice presdient meet with Faculty of Clinical and Industrial sttaf. The meeting discuss many different issues to improve performance in the faculty and to smoothout drawbacks.

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BAC Requirement for Academic Process Workshop

Today 21 May 2022 Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences and Faculty of Radiography and Medical Imaging has attended a session of quality requirements so that the staff will be acquainted with the university forms which is required by BAC. Beside seizing the opportunity to enable the new staff to

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With more sadness, the administration of the National University mourns the first year students, Mohamed and Mohamed Elkhatin , Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, they died yesterday, Friday 20/5/2022 as a result of an accident drowning. They have mercy and forgiveness, and for

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Deans Meeting

Deans Meeting Today 17 May 2022 deans meetings were held in the meeting room on the 7th floor. Prof. Qurashi Moh. Ali NUSU president chaired the meeting. The meeting discusses the academic calendars for the fourth and fifth years in different faculties which will start on the 5th of June 2022.

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BAC Requirement for Academic Process Workshop

Today 17 May 2022 Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology has attended a session of quality requirements so that the staff will be acquainted with the university forms which is required by BAC. Beside seizing the opportunity to enable the new s

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BAC Requirement for Academic Process Workshop

Today faculty of International Realtions and Diplomatic Studies has attended a session of quality requirements so that the staff will be acquainted with the university forms which is required by BAC. Beside seizing the opportunity to enable the new staff to be knowlegable of the forms which facili

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Coguraduion Duaa prize of best academic performance and students affairs activities

• Worked at National University of Engineering and Architecture Student Scientific Association 2017 – 2022. • Halt prize Campus Director 2021. • She was a organizer of National University Engineering Week 2019. • She trained at the University Radio Station 2020. • organizes Enginee

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Happy Occasion

The President of the National University congratulates the employees of the university, the Al-Raqi University Hospital, and the university students on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr, may God bring it back to everyone with goodness, blessings and continued health, wellness, progress and prosperity for

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Scientific Council

Today, Thursday, 04/28/2022, in the Hall of the Professional Development Center (CPD), the Scientific Council was held to approve the results of graduates and students of pre-final levels of all faculties for the academic year 2021-2022 in the presence of the President of the University - the Presid

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With more sadness, the administration of the National University mourns the second year student, Saja Essam El-Din, Faculty of Medical Laboratory Sciences, who died this morning, Saturday 23/4/2022 as a result of a tragic traffic accident. She has mercy and forgiveness, and for her family and coll

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Vaccination against Hepatitis

Vaccination against Hepatitis for students of Faculty of Medicine and Surgery.

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International Association of Universities

Prof. Qurashi Mohammad Ali, President of the University, received in his office on Tuesday, 5/4/2022, Prof. Mohammad Khair Alqabbani, President of the International Association of Universities, to discuss the university’s membership for the Federation and to participate in the Conference on the Ro

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Fasting Bag

Preparing a fasting bag for distribution to the poor, needy families and some university employees by the National Sawaed Association.

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General Assembly

The General Assembly of the National Company for Advanced Educational Systems (MCAES), the owner of NUSU, will be held on Thursday March 31, 2022, in the Conference Hall GF8 Faculty Building. The representative of the Khartoum Stock Market and the Sudan Registrar of Companies will be witnessing and

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Renal Dialysis Unit

A renal dialysis unit has been added to the Hospital services, to start operating in Ramadan. The unit consists of three machines, which will reach 10 before the end of the year 2022.

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Prof. Elgamri Elradi

Prof. Elgamri Elradi has been appointed as Professor of internal medicine and neurology. Prof. Elradi is a graduate of Khartoum University, qualified in UK, and lead a distinguished professional career in University of Gezira, UK and Saudi Arabia. NUSU, FOMS and Hospita

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Prof. M. Fadlalla Ali

Prof. M. Fadlalla Ali has been appointed as Professor of general and vascular surgery. Mr. Ali is a graduate of Khartoum University, qualified in UK, and acquired international reputation through positions he held in UK, Saudi Arabia and Sudan. NUSU, FOMS and Hospital w

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Prof. Ahmed Hassan Fahal

Prof. Ahmed Hassan Fahal, Professor of Surgery, has been appointed as Director of National University Research Development and Innovation Center (NURDIC). He assumed his responsibilities and initiatives since Feb 15, 2022. National University Biomedical Research Institu

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Prof. Osman Hamour

Prof. Osman Hamour, Professor of Surgery, and Executive Director of Medical and Clinical Affairs, Coordinator of Medical Graduate Studies, returned from his annual vacation spend in UK and Canada. Welcome Back.

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IT Team Trip

A team from the IT Department, NUSU, has left Khartoum on March 21, 2022 to Dubai, UAE, to inspect and purchase systems to upgrade the University Network and Wi Fi services. The team members are: Dr. Ahmed Hassan, Mr. M. Kamal and Mr. Salih Zaki.

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Public Lecture

Prof. Satoshi Kaneko MD MPH, PhD, from the Dept of Eco-Epidemiology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University, Japan, delivered a lecture entitled : “Research and Educational Exchange with Nagasaki University”, attended by staff and 5th year medical students in their career advice ser

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Public Lecture

Dr. Sanabil Elfatih, MBBS, MD, from the Department of Radiology, National University, Hospital, delivered a lecture to medical staff and students on Monday March 21, 2022at CPD Classroom, entitled: “Emergency Ultrasound”

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National University Foot Ball League

The Teams of Faculties of Administrative Sciences, Medical Laboratory Sciences and International Relations and Diplomatic Studies were competing for the third and fourth places.
The final results were:
• Faculty of Administrative Sciences won the match w

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E-learning and the Digital Divide Role in Transforming Higher Education in Sudan

E-learning and the Digital Divide Role in Transforming Higher Education in Sudan: An Exploratory Case Study Analysis It was a great honor and privilege to have our paper accepted for the International Conference of World Association for Sustainable Development (WASD)

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Blood Donation Campaign

Under the supervision of the professors of the Faculty of Laboratory and Student Affairs, the Association of Medical Laboratories of the National Institute has launched a blood donation campaign on Sunday 30/1/2022 one of the many community contributions that students a

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NUSU Championship of Whiff-Waff

NUSU has organized its first Open Table Tennis (Ping-pong, Whiff-whaff) Championship (2022) under the auspices of the founder of the National University: Prof. Qurashi Muhammad Ali and the Honourship of Prof. Osama Abdurrahman the University Principal, Dr. Bela Abdullah

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Tennis Tournament - 2022

The Tennis Tournament 2022, organized by the National University-Sudan, was launched on 10/1/2022, on presence of the University Administration Staff, the Dean of Students Affairs and Deans of various Faculties. Fifty three students from various faculties participated

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Staff Support

Salary increment: the Board of Trustees has approved an increment in the salaries of staff in the university and hospital ranging between 40-60% for the fiscal year 2022. This is in addition to the special basic allowance for EidulFitr and EidulAdha.
Car loan: The NUSU administration has appr

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Administrative Sciences Students Visit to Khartoum Stock Exchange

Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences have paid, on Wednesday 29 /12/2021, a visit to Khartoum Stock Exchange to know about the main functions and activities of KSE in general and the role of brokerage firms and dealers in the process of stocks trading and

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The visit of the Jordanian Ambassador to the National University

On the morning of the 6th of September, 2021 the National University – of Sudan was honored by the honorable visit of the Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Khartoum, Ambassador. Sa’ed Radaideh was received by Maj. Gen Dr. Amin Othman, the president of the university, Principal of

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NUSU’s Scientific Students Association Organizes A Freshman Event

The Scientific Students Association organized a social event to welcome and support the newest batch of university students. The event included a variety of activities such as: Motivational speeches A tour of the campus and orientation for university regulations A talent show with singing, musica

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Students Affairs Hult Prize

2020 NUSU students participated in hult prize competition (hult prize in cooperation with the United Nations). Is basically a noble prize for students its program is run by experts to help students make real changes in the world. And now for the first time ever in Sudan. Hult prize had been chosen

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Students Initiatives

Students’ affairs invited a number of schools for an awareness meeting about their academic future, and kindergartens from the surrounding areas set up entertainment programs for them and distributed gifts and school tools. /2019 A student initiative to distribute school uniforms, school bags, an

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National University accreditation renewed by the British Accreditation Council

The British Accreditation Council (BAC) conducted an interim inspection of the National University Sudan on November 21st & 22nd 2020 as part of the re-accreditation process. The National University Sudan was first accredited by the BAC in November 2015 and re-accredited in October 2018. The off

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